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 Let's Fellowship Together Online 

 using Zoom 

Sunday at 10:00am 

We fellowship together in person at the building and online using


This way we can help our Fellowship to stay healthy, connected with each other and our Heavenly Father, and to live generous lives helping those around us who are struggling through this time.

Our services will start at 10:00am online.

You will require a Meeting ID and a group password.


You can connect by using the link and using the password above.. 

How it works


Connect to Zoom

Connect to Zoom by going online or downloading the apps for your computertablet, or smartphone by clicking on the following links:

(iPhone, iPad)

(Samsung, Google, More)

(Macs, Laptops, PCs)


Find Meeting Code

To join the service you will need the Meeting ID and Password (You should have a Facebook / email notification from Allan Vincent).

Alternatively, you can just click the link below


Join the Service

To join, launch the application, or go online.

Then click Join a Meeting, and enter the details.

To enter the code:

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